Frequently Asked Questions:
Please check with your veterinarian as some vaccines are not safe to give pregnant llamas, advice and medical care from your veterinarian is recommended. Basic Medical Care: What vaccinations do llamas need?
Worming: Because of the high population of white tail deer in this area - our farm gives injectable Dectomax every six weeks - 1cc for each 70 pounds. Dr. David Anderson Ohio State University has helped set this protocol for our llamas. Article on Meningeal Worm by Dr. Anderson. If not treated IMMEDIATELY this is fatal for your llama. Please work with your veterinarian to set up a worming protocol for your llamas. We also use Safe Guard paste wormer and Valbazen several times a year. Problems you have shared by email: My llamas were playing and one of the ears became torn. Fighting Teeth - Male llamas have VERY Sharp fighting teeth starting around age two. These teeth need to be removed. When male llamas play or sometimes fight they can really injure each other with the fighting teeth. See article from Shagbark Ridge Llamas My male attacked my female - I have my male and female together and last year I found a dead cria in the field. I did not know the female was pregnant. This year she had another cria and immediately after the birth the male attacked the female tearing her ears and then she rejected the cria. I have had to bottle feed the baby. How much should I feed my Llama - The recommendation is 1 pound of quality llama feed per animal per day. You can provide a trace mineral supplement free choice to provide added nutrition. A good quality mixed grass hay works best with llamas. Fescue hay can cause problems with pregnant females. Alfalfa hay is very rich and can make your llamas fat. Visit Shagbark Ridge Llamas - an excellent site for nutrition information. I have a llama in with my goats, why does he snort and pace when we have visitors? So what is normal guarding behavior? A llama on "guard" will sometimes exhibit some of the following. Pacing the fence, snorting, clucking and charging at an unwanted guest. Some guards take it more serious that others. The guard will put their self in between a predator and the sheep or goats they are guarding. Remember this is his job. Some guards even protect from humans coming in the field. When you hear your guard sound the alarm go to see what he has found, he may need your help. Our neighbors know when we are not home and they hear the alarm to check our llamas. Geldings around three or older make wonderful guards. Links to Guard Llama information