Llama Fleece workshop - Let’s take a look at llama fleece from |
Judging to me is more than being able to write down a number on a score sheet.
I had to understand the fleece from the · As a fleece exhibitor – This allows me to know the amount of work needed to prepare a fleece for exhibition. To understand the proper grooming , shearing and skirting techniques that has been used to prepare this fleece for competition. · As a hand spinner – To feel the fleece slide through my fingers and imagine the beautiful garments that can be produced. · My experience with dyeing gives me the understanding of the makeup of the llama’s fiber and how it reacts to natural and chemical dyes. · As I knit, crochet and weave a little I understand how the yarns or roving become usable finished products, understanding the concept of blending other fibers to make an even more usable garment. The warmth and weight of the products you produce depending you the types of yarns you use. You don’t use the prickly yarns for items that touch your body, silky will not make good socks. · As a felter to see how beautiful the fibers compress and strengthen · To know why crimp is important, does guard hair have a use, why is fiber length important why is density of fiber important
Let's talk fiber, |