River Cities Fiber Clan


  Some suggestions for your spinning basket

 Everyone has a spinning basket or bag that they keep their spinning essentials in. Everyone has their own preferences and special wants.

Here are some suggestions of basic items you may need.

1.        Extra drive band – be prepared for the inevitable.

2.       Small tool to tighten loose screws or bolts.

3.       Oil – if you wheel needs oiled make sure have available

4.       Vaseline – some wheels only need Vaseline

5.       Scissors – someone always needs these

6.       Orifice hook – these always come in handy for retrieving loose ends and getting started

7.       Extra yarn for a leader and tying skeins

8.       Pen and paper – you just never know

9.       Band-Aids – there’s one in every crowd.

10.    Aspirin – even though spinning is relaxing sometimes… you just need and aspirin

11.     Fiber, fiber  – lots of luscious fiber to spin and spin

12.    Lap cloth – this will help keep you clean and give you a place to catch yarn yuck

13.    A dryer sheet to help with static

These are some basics not everyone has these things and some people have more. Bottom line is in your basket you need what will help you be comfortable and enjoy spinning!

What’s in your basket??