Information for the New
For the New Owner some basic things to think about!
Any reputable breeder will be excited to answer your
questions, provide support and share the bad times with their
llamas as well as the good.
Llamas do require some special care and medical concerns. Llamas can live to 20 years of age, so a long time commitment is
Please email your questions or needs to ross@marshall.edu
First - Why do you want a llama? Llamas are very
versatile, intelligent and make a great family adventure. Llamas are
very affordable and most farms will work with you on your purchase.
Geldings make great companions, guard and fiber animals.
Showing, breeding stock, 4H project, packing, cart driving, fiber or
just a best friend!
Second - Why should I NOT purchase a llama from
a stock sale, flea market, or livestock auction?
From working with llama rescue groups we are contacted
about llamas that become very hard to control, become very ill, have
genetic defects and often attack their owners. Llamas have been
shot, turned loose and abandoned because there was no information
given on how llamas can act if they are not raised
properly or if they have been abused.
Llamas have been sold with saddles for riding, babies sold as
young as three months, sent home alone with no information on how
to care for them. Raised in garages, dog kennels and tied to cinder
blocks with no shelter.
- Llamas are herd animals you will need two of the same sex as
they need a "llama friend".
Are you looking for a companion, 4H project, show or fiber
animal, guard, cart, packing, breeding stock, therapy
- Llamas may live to 20 - 25 years of age so this is a
long time commitment to the animal.
- Each llama has a unique personality and can be use in many
different ways.
- I need a llama to guard my sheep or goats! Things to think
and Sentry - please visit this link for more information - Yes llamas do make wonderful guards but
remember they still need to be wormed, given vaccinations, sheared
and have toenails trimmed. So you need a llama you can "touch".
They need shelter and need to be cool in the summer. To many guards
are neglected, left alone to just do their job and die. Please read
our guardian and sentry link to help you understand the needs of
your llama.
How do I learn more about llamas?
Visit llama farms in your area - Ask
questions. What medical care, vaccinations do they give
their llamas. Are the llamas friendly and easy to
handle. Is the farm clean and do they provide adequate
needs for the llamas? What type of guarantee and support do
they offer.
Llama shows - a great place to
see quality llamas, meet breeders and ask lots of questions
and learn about conformation
Find farms on the internet - a great place
to learn about llamas, view photos and see what fun you can
have with your llama.
Attend training and health workshops
How much room do you have?
Is your farm ready for that llama?
Housing, Fencing, Pasture
Do you have a local veterinarian for your
medical needs?
Do you have other animals (horses etc.)
There can be some issues you need to think about
DO NOT purchase a Llama less than 5 months
of age - we recommend at least 6 months, weaning is a difficult
time for llamas as they bond so close with the mother and llamas
purchased too early can sometimes have behavioral problems when
they mature.
Llamas are herd animals. You should have at
least two so they can have a companion. If you have only two
you need the same sex - as around one year males and
females should be separated.
Purchase your Llama from a reputable farm
that will provide you with support and a guarantee. Stock
sales or flea markets are not the best place to purchase
animals. Most farms have very affordable animals and
will work with you on your purchase and provide education on the
care and needs of your llama. If you will send us your location
we can help you find a llama farm in your area to visit.
740-867-4267 or ross@marshall.edu.
... We
are part of a llama network that helps match the right type of
llama to meet your specific needs.
A proper
fitting halter is a must - You need a halter that has been designed
for llamas. You should not leave the halter on. We
have seen halters that the skin had actually grown over the halter
causing large sores. If the halter is to tight it can impair
the animals breathing.
Contact a local Veterinarian to set up a health care
maintenance program for your llama
Feed a good quality Llama Feed (they contain
vitamins your llama needs) and a good quality grass hay
Provide a shelter, clean water and pasture (barb
wire fencing is not recommended) woven wire works best
Male llamas - around the age of two years -
need to have FIGHTING TEETH removed. This is for the
safety of other males in your herd
Male llamas should be removed from your females by
one year of age (to prevent unwanted breeding) If your male is not
used for breeding we recommend that you castrate him. Geldings
make Wonderful!! companions
Keep toenails trimmed for health of the Llamas
SHEAR your Llama in the spring to help them stay
cool and prevent heat stress - In hot weather provide shade,
fans, plastic wading pools to keep your Llama cool and of
course shear your Llama
Vaccinate your Llama yearly for CDT - Check with
your Veterinarian for his recommendation of vaccinations
If you have a large deer population you may need
to worm monthly. Check with your Veterinarian for a schedule and
the proper wormer and dosage. Meningeal worm KILLS!
Dr. Anderson OSU Veterinary Hospital has posted an article to
help you understand more on how to prevent Meningeal worm.
Please see the two articles below.
Some type of chute is
nice for grooming, vet visits, or emergencies
View Photo of chute Chute by
Jack Moore, Timberlane Llamas
18 - Things a New
Owner Should Know - By Jo Ann McGrath Plans
for things you will need around your barn - by Jack Moore,
Timberlane Llamas
Some questions you have ask? and
Basic Medical Help select
to view