Where Will You Spend Eternity? The Choice Is Yours .....

Are You Ready ? "It is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgement." (Hebrews 9:27)

Let us ask you a personal question. Do you have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ or are you in the process of finding out how you can have this relationship?

Let's get started right away by using the colors of the bar to share the Good News

  This White bar reminds us of the clean heart (cleansed by the blood of Christ)

You remember that God loves you so much and wants to be your Heavenly Father and have you live with Him in Heaven someday. But your sin separates you from Him. That's why He sent His Son, the Lord Jesus to die on the cross for you.

The Bible says, "But as many as received Him (the Lord Jesus), to them He gave the right to become children of God, even to them who believe on His name." (John 1:12) That means that if you believe with all your heart that Jesus died for you and rose again and receive Him by inviting Him to come and take away your sins, He will make you a part of God's forever family - God will become your Heavenly Father right now, and someday you will share God's home with Him in Heaven.
How can you have a clean heart?

BE SAVED, accept God's gift of Salvation

"If thou shalt confess the Lord Jesus Christ, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved." (Romans 10:9)

It's as easy as A. B. C.

A - ADMIT, Admit that you are a sinner

B - BELIEVE, Believe that Jesus is God's Son, that Jesus died for you, that Jesus arose from the dead, that Jesus is coming again

C - CONFESS, Confess before men that Jesus is your Savior and Lord, that you accept him as personal savior and REPENT (turn away from) From your sins

If you would like to receive Jesus Christ as your personal Savior and receive His gift of eternal life, you could pray something like this:

Dear God,
I know that I have sinned and done wrong against you. I believe that Jesus is God's Son and that He took the punishment for all my sins by dying on the cross. I believe He came back to life again. I now repent of my sins and receive you now as my only Savior from sin. Thank you for making your child right now as you promised. In Jesus' name, amen.

If you really prayed these words and meant it, God has just made you a part of His forever family! It's not because I said so, But because He promised, and God never breaks His promises.

Let me show you another great promise for you in God's Word. Hebrews 13:5 says, (God is speaking) "I will never leave you, nor forsake you." Will the Lord Jesus ever leave you? He promises, "No." How about if you sin again? No, God says, "I will never leave you." And Hebrews 13:6 says, "The Lord is my helper." He will give you the power to do what is right.

If you have accepted Jesus Christ as Savior or if you have any questions please let us rejoice in your Good News. Email us at ross@marshall.edu

Let's see what the yellow bar has to share!

The Yellow Bar 

Dark || Red || White || Yellow || Green